幣安首席執行官趙長鵬 (CZ) 在推特宣布成功完成了Elrond IEO,聲稱有97,817張門票申請了抽獎,只有11%的參加者人贏得到 IEO。
.@ElrondNetwork launchpad sale had 97,817 tickets claimed. That puts the win rate at just over 11%. Highest number of tickets claimed yet, we continue to under-estimate demand.
If you didn’t win, don’t worry, there will be another one soon enough.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) July 2, 2019
幣安表示,Elrond代幣ERD將於7月4日上午8:00 UTC開始在幣安交易。 ERD將在BTC,BNB,USDT,PAX和USDC對上交易。